How to setup components in a monorepo
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How to setup components in a monorepo

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In this guide I’ll focus on setting up components package in our monorepo, for that we are gonna use Histoire. Which is a tool that will allow us to develop components in isolation, and document them. It’s a vite powered alternative to Storybook.

This is a continuation of my monorepo guide, you can find the first article here.

Table of contents

Creating our package

First of all we need to create a space for our components.

cd packages
mkdir components
cd components
npm init -y

This will create a components folder where we’ll put all our components.

Then create a src folder and put a index.ts file here. This file will be our entrypoint to components and we’ll export all the components from here, and that’s why we also need to modify package.json and change the main property, to tell PNPM where to find our components.

"main" : "src/index.ts"

Creating our first component

Finally we can create our first component let’s start by creating a Button.svelte.

<button on:click>

  button {
    padding: 8px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background: tomato;

Now to use this component we must modify the index.ts file we create earlier, by exporting the component.

export { default as Button } from "./Button.svelte";

You don’t need to do this, but you would have to then do import Button from "components/Button.svelte", by putting this here you can then import multiple components at once like this import {Button, Input, Count} from "components"

Before we can go test out our new component we need to add the components package as dependency to our app, by running:

pnpm add components

If you have problems runnnig this command check that you have put components folder in packages, or in other folder defined by pnpm-workspace.yaml, and that your package.json name matches the name of the package you are trying to install.

After doing this we can go to +page.svelte and import our Button component

  import {Button} from "components"

<Button on:click={() => alert('Hello')}>Test</Button>

Then you can run pnpm dev to start the development server, and test out your button component.

Adding histoire

Now we are going to add Histoire, which will allow us to develop, test and document components, nicely in isolation. And it’s all powered by vite so it’s all blazingly fasttm.

Firs of all since it’s powered by vite we need to install and setup vite with svelte

pnpm add -D vite @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte typescript
pnpm add svelte

And create a vite.config.ts

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { svelte } from "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [svelte()],

After that we can setup Histoire, create an histoire.config.ts

import { defineConfig } from "histoire";
import { HstSvelte } from "@histoire/plugin-svelte";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [HstSvelte()],

Our last config will be the svelte.config.js.

import { vitePreprocess } from "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte";

export default {
  preprocess: vitePreprocess(),

and don’t forget to install the dependencies

pnpm add histoire -D @histoire/plugin-svelte

Now modify the package.json. Don’t forget the "type" key because leaving it out will break vite.

"type": "module",
"scripts": {
  "dev": "histoire dev",
  "build" : "histoire build"

Naming these script the same as in our sveltekit application will tell turbo to run them alongside your other apps, so when you now run pnpm dev it will start both development servers, and you should be able to acces your stories on localhost:6006. Well acces, you don’t have any stories currently configured.

Creating our first story

For us to be able to see the stories we need to create a story file that will tell Histoire how to render our story, I won’t go into much detail about this since the documentation on how to do that is great.

But just to showcase the power of Histoire let’s create our first story by creating a Button.story.svelte

<script lang="ts">
  import type { Hst } from '@histoire/plugin-svelte';
  import Button from './Button.svelte';
  import { logEvent } from 'histoire/client';

  export let Hst: Hst;

  let content = 'Click me!';

 <svelte:fragment slot="controls">
  <Hst.Text bind:value={content} title="Content" />

 <Button on:click={(event) => logEvent('Click', event)}>

I recommend creating a folder for each component since it can get messy with a story file, documentation file and a component file all placed next to other component files.

Now when you open you Histoire dev server you can click on your Button story, and try it out. It will give you a clean slate to develop your components in with options to trigger responsivity, change the background color. We’ve also implented a logEvent which you can see in the Events tab.

Creating docs for our story

And lastly historie also allows us to create docs for our stories.

Create a file. This file will allow you to document your components using markdown. For more info visit the histoire documentation.

For example
# Button

Component used for clicking

## How to use

<Button on:click={handleClick} />